socially distant – episode two

As the days have poured by and one day seems to run into another more and more, some thoughts have started to run through my mind more often. I thought I would share them with you. I would love to hear your responses and what has been on your mind through these ever changing and unprecedented times that we are all experiencing.

One, I am grateful. Grateful that I have a job that allows me to continue to work from home in particular. So many out there that ARE still working, are doing so at a greatly increased risk of exposure due to being in “essential” and public facing industries. Some are getting additional hazard pay for this, which is only the right thing to do, and others are not. I am happy to keep working and make the adjustments to doing so, mostly from the comfort and safety of my home. I am grateful for my health. I had a scare at the beginning of the month (and part of me thinks I already fought through the virus), but recovered quickly and appreciate my health and my body more than ever.

Two, we can only control what we have control over. We can control our actions, and how we react in these uncertain times. I keep having the cliché thought, “You can only play the cards you are dealt.” I have tried to continue to think in this way through the last few weeks, trying not to focus about what may happen, how long this will last, or what will the impact of this be in the long-term. These thoughts are inevitable, but we can control the narrative if we are conscious about what we are focusing on. The worry and anxiety does not have a positive role. Today, it only causes additional stress and negatively impacts the immune system, which is the last thing that anyone should be striving for. I try to stay educated enough to keep myself informed about the suggested measures to be taken, but going full conspiracy theory or paralyzed with worry isn’t going to help anything, least of which is health.

Three, “We all do better when we all do better.” This is a great Paul Wellstone slogan and it is never truer than today. We can all help each other, even if that is only by staying at home unless there is an ESSENTIAL trip that needs to be made, getting groceries for a neighbor of advanced age, or donating to a local food shelf. If there is anything that this pandemic should teach us, it is that the world is inherently linked. We have a global economy, like it or not. The decisions that one country makes have an impact on the rest of the world, whether that be their animal agriculture practices, healthcare methodology, or environmental policy. Hopefully this is a lesson to the populist, ethnocentric, and isolationist movements. Focusing only at home and not partnering with others globally inevitably means the risk of losing sight of how to protect that very home population.

Lastly, my birthday is coming up in a couple weeks and I know it will be even more of a low-key celebration than usual, but I traditionally have raised money for animal sanctuaries over the last few years. This year I picked, Sisters Camelot, as it seemed very relevant to the many that may be experiencing food insecurity in these even tougher times. They provide free organic and healthy food to those in need. Their stated vision is “• An ecologically conscious world in which long-term sustainability takes precedence over material greed • A global economy based upon cooperation between local autonomous communities • A nonviolent world free from oppression, arbitrary borders, and the domination of individuals.”

If you can help, it would be greatly appreciated. Every little bit helps.

I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and sane through all of this. If you need someone to talk to, don’t be afraid to reach out! Even comment conversations cannot be taken for granted during these trying times.

socially distant – episode two

One thought on “socially distant – episode two

  1. Everything you mention is so crucial. We do need to take control of our actions. A friend of mine posted a simple question, if you tested positive for COVID-19 and had to recall every place you’ve traveled, and every person you’ve interacted with in the past two weeks, would you be proud, or embarrassed? I have been enjoying virtual hangouts with friends, staying fit, and drinking a lot of wine! Gotta make the most of this life while we can ✌🏻😘

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