
Memorial Day, 2020

This week has been devastating. I don’t know of a single person that is not feeling emotions ranging from fear, anger and rage to disbelief, sorrow, helplessness, and anxiety. Yet, these feelings that a majority of us are feeling will never compare to the feelings that many of our fellow American brothers and sisters feel […]

socially distant – episode two

As the days have poured by and one day seems to run into another more and more, some thoughts have started to run through my mind more often. I thought I would share them with you. I would love to hear your responses and what has been on your mind through these ever changing and […]

forward through the fear

2019 is shaping up to be a year full of major changes for me, and for anyone that knows me, that is some scary shit. I don’t change things up so much and am a model of consistency, and sometimes borderline complacency. So far this year, I have managed to open my heart twice. I […]


I was roughly 20 years old and my girlfriend and I had been dating for about a year or year-and-a-half. She was majoring in business and economics and dreaming of a long career in which she sported pantsuits. I was majoring in music production and dreaming of running the soundboards for major recording artists. We […]

apologies of a recovering f#$% boy

I have recently had an awakening of sorts, emotionally.  I have been searching through the origins and manifestations of my life to this point. It is a process that is ongoing, very cathartic at times and very painful in others. I want to share some of what many may consider dirty laundry because I think […]

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