dry january – the full month

Today I will likely end my dry streak, after 37 days. The Super Bowl is an event that I truly enjoy watching with friends and may decide to have a beer or drink while out for it, and that is ok for me. My dry January actually started a bit early, as I got hit with a cold towards the end of December and was on good behavior, trying to fight it. It has been a truly enlightening experience and I think I will take cleanses like this more often going forward. Like in my mid-month update, I learned a lot and plan to be more thoughtful and conscious of choosing what occasions to mark with an alcoholic beverage or other libation.

I took a trip to Arizona for a long weekend to visit the woman I am seeing and we indulged in a bit of vegan food touring. It tried my will to avoid adding in some brews or cocktails at dinners, as I usually indulge a little more when traveling. Luckily there were some great drink and mocktail options at a few of the restaurants that were refreshing and took my mind off of “missing out” and fulfilled the sensation of having that pairing item.  

There is not a ton else to add after my previous post, but I thought I would put up what I consider some of the pros and cons of my experience, as I have thought about them throughout the month.



-wake up earlier on the weekends (not staying out as late)

-increased productivity

-save money

-physical benefits (general health, calories, bloating, hydration, etc.)

-more conscious of triggers and reasons why I choose to reach for a drink


-a slight feeling of missing out in social situations

-being slightly less social to avoid feeling (albeit self-imposed) pressure

-missing taste of some beverages, pairing with foods, etc.

              *mocktail game is on the upswing

              *may try Seedlip (a brand I have seen of non-alcoholic spirits)

I would encourage anyone to try taking a dry period at some point and see what your thoughts and feelings are during the process. Hell, it can’t hurt! Maybe take the rest of February. It is the shortest month after all!

dry january – the full month

3 thoughts on “dry january – the full month

  1. Thanks for the update! It was hard to be sober for 9+ months but helped me learn to drink more consciously.

    1. 9 months would definitely be a challenge! If I was ever part of a pregnancy I think I would want to partner on that as well though!

  2. Absolutely love seeing you achieve the goals you set for yourself. I’m sure there was plenty of temptation; way to go for sticking it out 😘

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