
socially distant – week 1

I started to get the vibe right at the beginning of this week (as I hope EVERYONE else has by now) that this social distancing thing really needed to happen ASAP, and that I had to do my part to keep the speed of the spread of this virus to a minimum. Monday, 3/23, was […]

dry january – the full month

Today I will likely end my dry streak, after 37 days. The Super Bowl is an event that I truly enjoy watching with friends and may decide to have a beer or drink while out for it, and that is ok for me. My dry January actually started a bit early, as I got hit […]

the new year

It is a new year, and everyone is making their annual pledges to change their lives with the turning of the calendar page. It does seem like a natural time to reflect, introspect and prioritize life and what could use some refreshing, or a new path completely. Many people commit to grandiose changes, or make […]

pre-diabetic to plant-based

Growing up I was always what many described as “husky”.  My eating habits were terrible and I was a relatively picky eater, avoiding most vegetation.  I ate what would be considered a heavy meat diet, often gravitating towards fried foods, saturated and trans-fat-laden junk along with simple carbohydrates and processed foods.

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